Plymouth County
Soil & Water Conservation District
Who We Are
Soil & Water Conservation Districts (SWCDs) are legal subdivisions of state government. Governed by a Board of Commissioners, such districts are responsible for carrying out state laws and programs within district boundaries. These include:
Conservation Reserve Program (CRP)
Environmental Quality Incentive Program (EQIP)
Conservation Compliance
Wetland Reserve Program
Conservation Planning
Sediment Control Law
Conservation Cost Share
Conservation Revolving Loan Fund
Water Quality Protection Projects
Resource Enhancement and Protection (REAP)

History of the Soil and Water Conservation Districts
In April 27, 1935, during the dust bowl, the Soil and Water Conservation Act was passed. This lead to the creation of Soil Conservation Service which is now the NRCS. In 1932, with Franklin D. Roosevelt as president, the conservation of soil and water resources became a national priority with the New Deal Administration. We help people find the best conservation practice for their land that keep our farmland and natural resources healthy.
History of Plymouth County SWCD
The Plymouth County Soil and Water Conservation started in 1946. Our focus is to assist farmers finding the best conservation practice to preserve their land for the next generation and keeping our soil healthy and keeping our waters clean.